Monday, June 25, 2012

Twelve Girls: 1937

This obviously looks like country, doesn't it?  I love the bike on the porch.  Wonder if it's the teacher's or maybe the photographer's?
The kids in this one look clean and well dressed.  No one without shoes, at least in the front row!  

The twelve girls here wear dresses.  I have several where the girls wear overalls.  Maybe this place or time is a bit more modern and/or upscale than some I have. In fact I am sure it is.   

The brunette in the middle is surrounded by boys, stepping forward even from the closest girl in the picture.  She is beautiful, the one you want to be friends with.  She will always be treated well, don't you think?  

The little one kneeling on the right is a cutie.  Lots of curls and a big smile.  Why is she crossing her arms?  Shy?  There are a lot of average girls here, though to their families I am sure they aren't average.  I wonder who is the brainiac.  I am guessing that would be the one to the left of the teacher.  

Of these 12 girls, I wonder which will be mothers, which will have careers?  Few with careers is my guess though some may be teachers or nurses.  Most will be farm wives, housewives, and the like.  Sewing, cooking, keeping chickens, raising kids, but at least these girls will be able to read, keep the books and write notes to their children's teachers.  

The boys are always so fascinating to me.  We have here one young man who is dreaming of flying to the moon, can't keep his eyes off the sky.  He loves being outdoors or he loves clouds -- not sure which!  In the front row is a set of twins near the left with their little high button boots.  Their hair parts naturally on the left but one is required to part on the right to keep them from being confused for one another.  It doesn't sit very well.  His hair is all whacky!

I have an idea who is the most devilish boy but no idea who is the most popular.  In some pictures you can tell, but in this one most of the boys are really not much into the idea of interaction with the camera.  Let me know who you think the trouble maker is in this class.  

And now the teacher.  Women in those days seem to look older than they were.  This one looks middle aged but my guess is that she is only 30 or so.  She must have some organization skills if she can keep these kids in line.  That is one batch of kids, all at different levels.  Do you think any teacher you know today could deal with this class/schoolhouse full of kids???  Without help?  

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